Larry Goldsmith to Address Highland Park-Highwood Legal Aid Clinic - December 21, 2016

…director of litigation services at CJBS, LLC. Mr. Goldsmith is regularly engaged to be a financial forensic expert witness in matters of divorce and business litigation. The Highland Park-Highwood Legal Aid Clinic is located at 1830 Green Bay Rd. in Highland Park, Illinois. Phone: (847) 926-1867. Questions or comments? E-mail Larry Goldsmith at if you have any questions about this…

Helping You Keep Up On HR Compliance – And Keeping Your Employees And Business Safe - February 12, 2021

…one of CJBS’s payroll provider ADP TotalSource, ensuring compliance with laws and regulations is the number one HR challenge facing businesses today. Inquiries for guidance on compliance questions have increased by over 1,500% in the past year. Fortunately, comprehensive services are available to help employers deal with the potential liabilities of bringing staff back to work. At the onset of the…

Death Warrant in the Tax Proposal? - November 16, 2017

…forced to pay taxes on the $80,000, this individual will not have the financial resources for necessary living expenses. Larry Goldsmith is a partner and director of litigation services at CJBS, LLC. Mr. Goldsmith is regularly engaged to be a financial forensic expert witness in matters of divorce and business litigation. Questions or comments? E-mail Larry Goldsmith at if you…

IRS Releases New Deductible Mileage Rates - December 13, 2011

…is reduced to 23 cents per mile for medical and moving uses, and remains at 14 cents per mile for charitable uses. For purposes of computing the allowance under an FAVR plan, the standard automobile cost may not exceed $28,200 ($29,300 for trucks and vans). The updated rates are effective for deductible transportation expenses paid or incurred on or after…

The New Normal in Family Business - September 4, 2018

Family businesses are being forced to innovate and change, and those that act quickly and decisively usually deliver better results. This article explains the need for constant innovation, the importance of relying on older generations, and what it takes to disrupt an industry. To view this article, click the following link to access the original content.…

Explaining Deductions for Small Business Owners - August 20, 2018

New details have emerged from the IRS that explain how small business owners may be able to obtain different tax breaks. This article discusses the different rules the IRS has proposed, and what this means for small business owners in the United States. To view this article, click the following link to access the original content.…

How To Communicate With Your Ideal Customer - November 19, 2018

Finding and communicating with the right customer is a basic necessity for any small business. This article discusses tips you can use to find ideal customers and improve your marketing communications strategy. To view this article, click the following link to access the original content.…

Tax Tips for Family Businesses - March 23, 2018

With tax season approaching, it is important for business owners to not overlook the changes in the tax laws. This article discusses some common tax mistakes to avoid if you are a small or family business owner. To view this article, click the following link to access the original content.…

CJBS to be Featured Panelist at Love, Marriage, Divorce, and Real Estate Panel Event - February 14, 2018

Compass Mortgage and @Properties. Join us for this free educational event on Sunday, March 18, 7-10 PM. Where: Kasbeer Hall 25 East Pearson Street Floor 15 Chicago, IL 60611 CLICK HERE TO REGISTER Questions or comments? E-mail Larry Goldsmith ( Larry is an experienced Financial Forensic expert and CPA who investigates and verifies financial income and assets in matrimonial matters….

Tax Tips for Family Businesses - March 23, 2018

With tax season approaching, it is important for business owners to not overlook the changes in the tax laws. This article discusses some common tax mistakes to avoid if you are a small or family business owner. To view this article, click the following link to access the original content.…