Cyber Resiliency For Your Business - April 27, 2018

Cybersecurity attacks are a new norm, and business leaders must employ cyber resilient tactics to protect important information. This article explains 4 important steps your business can take to increase cyber resilience. To view this article, click the following link to access the original content.…

The IRS Provides Clarification for Ponzi Scheme Victims - April 28, 2009

…by an angry crowd. He told reporters before he left: “I went looking for trouble, and I found it.” Bernie Madoff is now in jail after entering his guilty plea. He faces spending the rest of his life in prison, and up to $170 billion in restitution. If you have any questions, please contact Larry Goldsmith, J.D., C.P.A., C.F.F.A.


commercial real estate, or family investment entity right now to insure continuity and train the next generation makes sound business sense. And it may also result in valuation discounts averaging from 10% to as high as 40% of today’s already depressed market value. Don Schaffer is a CPA and member of the CJBS Business Valuation, Systems Consulting and Tax Practices…


…was less than the company’s liabilities and therefore the LLC was insolvent. The working capital of the LLC when formed had less working capital than other companies in that same industry, therefore the Court gave credence that it was too thinly capitalized when formed. Finally, the Court found that the tax distribution payments to the members provided no value or…

Numbersman Admits to Deception - March 3, 2010

…the corner of Main and Jackson.  I’m now, 55 years later, willing to come clean.  I committed fraud in getting that job.  You have to admit that it would be tempting for a 14 year old to bend the truth a bit to get a chance to get a beautiful ride like that bike.  It was new, which beat the…

Keeping Your Company Secure During The Holidays - December 10, 2018

As the holidays approach, cybercriminals are looking for opportunities to exploit your employees and your business. This article discusses a few ways you can keep your business secure this holiday season. To view this article, click the following link to access the original content.…

Payroll Tax Services – Who is Responsible to the IRS? - August 9, 2012

…always worth the proverbial pound of cure.  To avoid the headaches and financial distress of misplaced trust, CJBS recommends that business owners follow this Five Step Anti-Swindle procedure: Examine checks clearing the bank accounts monthly. Have someone verify payroll tax deposit credits on-line. Examine customer credit memos regularly. Examine delinquent accounts receivable. Spot check cash payments. CJBS, LLC is a…

AICPA’s Proposal for Pass-Through Entity Tax Deadlines: A Tier or Two Away From Practicality - February 12, 2010

…Forms 1120S and 1041, and October 15 for Forms 1120 and 1040, would be helpful.  The proposal does not, however, help with the major cause of late K-1’s and the resulting work compression among accounting professionals; tiered entities not under common control. The problem can be resolved at the regulatory level with a framework that severs the K-1 delivery date…

Extending the COBRA Premium Subsidy… - January 6, 2010

…now be covered by the subsidy due to the extension.  CJBS, LLC is a Chicago based firm that assists its clients with a wide range of accounting and financial issues, protecting and expanding the value of mid-size companies. E-mail me at if you have any questions about this posting or if I may be of assistance in any way….

The Telephone Rings: The Anatomy of a Forensic Accounting Investigation - September 2, 2009

…of this to the woman on the phone. I gave her options. And finally, I warned her that confronting the suspected wrong doer can be very dangerous. Wrong doers have been known to commit violence to keep their acts undiscovered. Just as I was about to ask her name and suggest she come to the office to talk further, I…