Bloomberg recently released projected tax rates, brackets and other numbers that apply to the 2019 tax year (the IRS will release the official numbers later this year). Note, these are NOT the numbers that apply to the 2018 taxes you file in 2019, but to the income and activity that occurs during the 2019 tax year […]
Accounting News
The Congress at Work series of articles is designed to give you a glimpse of various types of legislation currently under consideration. While either the Senate or the House of Representatives may initiate a bill proposal, be aware that many bills never become law. They may never make it out of committee, be blocked by […]
U.S. economic interests may take a significant blow if the U.S. continues to impose tariffs on Chinese manufactured goods. This article explains how business leaders across the U.S. are feeling about the continued trade war, and how the government is responding. To view this article, click the following link to access the original content.
Every year, the Board of Trustees of the Federal Old-Age and Survivors Insurance and Federal Disability Insurance Trust Funds (OASDI) issues its annual report on the Social Security system. The report details the current financial status of both Social Security and Medicare as well future projections. The 2018 report has one key takeaway—both programs are […]
The passing of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act resulted in a lower tax rate for corporate America. How do these lower taxes compare to other countries around the world? This articles discusses the benefits of tax reform and examines how the US ranks in terms of corporate tax rates. To view this article, click […]
Although it is early, the market friendly tax reform plan has enabled stock market and economic growth so far in 2018. This article discusses predictions for the market in the future and how the tax plan has caused economic growth so far. To view this article, click the following link to access the original content. […]