Estate Planning and Tax Reform - June 1, 2018

Many people are wondering how their estate taxes will be impacted under the new tax reform guidelines. This article explains certain tax ramifications that may be unintended, but will certainly influence your estate planning process. To view this article, click the following link to access the original content.…

Developing Productive Employees - May 25, 2018

As a business leader, motivating employees starts with understanding their workload and doing everything possible to keep your workforce happy. This article explains why keeping employees happy through commitment and creativity should be a top business priority that will lead to sustained success. To view this article, click the following link to access the original content.…

Tax Reform Impacts so Far - May 18, 2018

Although it is early, the market friendly tax reform plan has enabled stock market and economic growth so far in 2018. This article discusses predictions for the market in the future and how the tax plan has caused economic growth so far. To view this article, click the following link to access the original content.…

The Future of Working from Home - March 2, 2018

…employees might not need office space and scheduled hours, but instead work from home on their own time. This article explains why a third of the workforce will be working from home in the future, and the importance of putting a policy together for these employees. To view this article, click the following link to access the original content.…

Your 2017 Tax Return - March 9, 2018

Be sure to take advantage of the many hidden write-offs you may be able to claim on your 2017 tax returns. This article discusses the seven different deductions you may be able to claim on your 2017 returns, before the 2018 tax laws take place. To view this article, click the following link to access the original content.  …

Tax Preparation for This Tax Season - March 16, 2018

With the passing of the new tax act, business owners should carefully prepare for the upcoming tax season. This article discusses steps business owners can take to ensure proper tax filings, and the importance of a financial advisor. To view this article, click the following link to access the original content.…

An Alternative Approach to Growing Your Business - March 30, 2018

While most businesses grow by beating out the competition, some businesses have instead created a larger target market that holds more opportunities. This article explains why you should consider a five-step approach to creating new markets instead of challenging with competition. To view this article, click the following link to access the original content.…

Data Security Tips for Licensed Cannabis Operators - March 13, 2024

…IT project management company in the cannabis industry–CJBS’ Ryan Guedel, CPA and Laurie Parfitt of LKP Consulting discuss:  Data security common mistakes to keep in mind  The value of training your team in IT protection  Preventative IT measures, and   Why you shouldn’t think of IT as a line-item, and instead an insurance policy  Check out the full video below!…

Attracting Website Traffic - April 13, 2018

Most businesses can attribute success to the amount of traffic their website generates, but actually getting people to your website can be challenging. This article discusses tactics small businesses can use to generate more traffic and ultimately more success. To view this article, click the following link to access the original content.…

Succession Planning in a Family Business - April 20, 2018

As baby boomers begin to leave the business world and move towards retirement, it is important to consider the transition of the next generation. This article discusses key questions to consider when creating a succession plan that is right for your business. To view this article, click the following link to access the original content.…