Adaptability: The Most Valued Leadership Skill - January 12, 2018

Directing changes can be a difficult task for any business leader. As the business world evolves, what are some ways that companies are keeping up with the changes of consumers? In an article from Disruption Hub, author Sally Henderson writes, “We are living in a world with unprecedented levels of change. Advances in technology, changes in consumer behaviour, and new…

Investment Bank Fees Indicate Strong Equity Capital Market Activity - September 28, 2018

…economy and markets in general. Strong performance means there is a lot of activity – and since this activity is almost always reliant on financing, it also can hint at a strong lending environment and good overall liquidity. Together, these factors are crucial to strong capital markets.   Taking a Look at Last Year In order to understand where we…

The Need to Invest in a Forensic CPA - January 17, 2014

…this commercial comes on about investing in gold. You’ve probably heard the commercial a 1000 times, and either acted on it, thereby making an investment in gold, or thought, when is this commercial going to end? That’s when this blog was born. The same gold commercial that I’ve listened to 1000 times, for whatever reason in that particular moment on…

Government Shutdown Impacting US Businesses - January 21, 2019

The government shutdown is creating problems for more than government businesses, as private businesses are also experiencing the consequences of a government shutdown. This article discusses potential consequences small business owners should be aware of. To view this article, click the following link to access the original content.…

Generating More Social Media Traffic - February 26, 2019

More social media engagement means more business, which is why business owners should look to increase their engagement levels in 2019. This article discusses seven tips for increasing social media engagement and traffic in 2019. To view this article, click the following link to access the original content.…

Family Business Trends in 2019 - February 4, 2019

The economy, trade, local regulation, and consumer trends are among the many things that influence the family business industry. This article predicts five key trends that will influence the family business industry in 2019. To view this article, click the following link to access the original content.…

Running a Family Business - October 1, 2018

Family businesses are full of ups and downs, and managing your family in a business setting can be difficult. This article discusses five tips you can use to make running your family business a little easier. To view this article, click the following link to access the original content.…

Pass It On: Accounting Tips to Share With Kids - September 24, 2019

…a little less interested in spending every cent they earn. There are many other tools you can use to teach your children how money works, but these are a few good ones to get you started. As many parents can attest, helping kids comprehend how to manage money is one of the best lessons you can teach them.  Sources…

Growing Small Business Revenue - December 26, 2018

As a new calendar year begins, it is an important time for small business owners to analyze their priorities and focus on improving their business. This article discusses a few ways your small business can grow revenue in the upcoming year. To view this article, click the following link to access the original content.…

Cannabis Fraud Prevention: Internal Controls Businesses Should Never Operate Without  - May 31, 2023

…to talk through internal controls considerations including:  What types of internal control efficiencies to implement (including inventory, segregation of duties, corporate governance, and more)  How to establish and adjust internal controls  Compliance and data protections  To learn more about how CJBS can help your cannabis business with internal controls solutions, click here to contact Ryan. Watch the Webinar below:…