How Will Increased Business Productivity Impact Business Earnings Reports? - July 11, 2019

…While innovation and using technology for greater efficiency is nothing new and artificial intelligence (software and smart machines) becomes more capable of assisting less skilled workers increase labor productivity, this signifies an overall trend to make jobs less complex, and therefore able to command less compensation. Examples could include entry level accounting professionals using tax software (supervised by certified professionals)…

Old School and Hi-Tech Ways to Keep Track of Passwords - September 28, 2018

In 2017, nearly one-third of internet users reported being victim to online hacking or similar suspicious activity on their accounts. But, as anyone who regularly uses a computer—especially for financial transactions—knows, keeping track of passwords can be a time-consuming task. Even so, it is necessary to ensure your personal and financial information is kept private and secure. Unfortunately, one of…

Valuation Credential Certification – How many letters are in the alphabet? - February 12, 2009

…The largest of these are the National Association of Certified Valuation Analysts (NACVA), the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA), the American Society of Appraisers (ASA), and the Institute of Business Appraisers (IBA), each of which require a substantial commitment to education, testing and experience. There are dozens of other organizations that also issue credentials whose value cannot be…

Matt Bergman and Ryan Guedel: Cannabis CPAs Who Care - February 8, 2023

…when times are bad. So they come to us and they tell us things they may not tell their spouse or best friend or therapist. And we’ve always acted as that role—someone to talk about these issues when they’re having a problem.”   More about Matt Designations Certified Public Accountant (CPA) – Illinois Memberships American Institute of Certified Public Accountants…

Tugging at the Heart Strings | Scams and Frauds Series by Larry Goldsmith – Part Three - January 30, 2024

…it’s fairly common. In fact, I have had friends who were in bad marriages or simply lonely who sought companionship. They would meet an individual online and over a couple of months of conversations, my friends became smitten in love. At some point, their online lover would express a need for money to solve a problem or to obtain a…

Family Article: Covid Opportunities - August 28, 2020

Happy family having fun time together at home

…other 2nd grader’s! She needs more direction, especially when it came to using technology, submitting assignments, time management and staying on task. At times, that felt pretty challenging—and still does—but with an “all-hands-on-deck” attitude, it helps alleviate the burden, and we manage to give her the support she needs. Even though we all found e-learning with WFH difficult, it challenged…

Looking For Silver Linings As We Navigate the Covid-19 Pandemic - August 25, 2021


…Of course, not everybody is back in the office full-time. Working from home has become the “new normal” for lots of people around the world. For many of them, including me, this has spurred  an even deeper interest in personal and professional growth. The pandemic has been a self-improvement accelerant for many of us, as we discover more online resources…

Paulette Cihlar Celebrates 10 Years at CJBS - December 17, 2021


…me to develop my tax knowledge as a Trust specialist. It can be a complicated area and is an important service to provide for our clients. CJBS supported me so I could attend seminars and courses to learn all the ins and outs. As a result, I’m more confident in servicing my clients, and I feel personal satisfaction in being…

Keeping Employees Safe at Work and Your Business Safe From Litigation - June 12, 2020

…They proactively send to our clients the proper risk and safety support as directed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). They can also offer further reassurance by assigning each company with a dedicated HR Business Partner and dedicated Safety Specialist Partner. These dedicated partners take the guesswork out of compliance…

Beware Tax Time Financial Scams - March 3, 2021

…link or open an attachment set up to steal information or download malware. Often, these emails pose as government officials and threaten to levy assets or impose penalties if they don’t comply with the request. A busy and stressed recipient can be tempted to err on what seems to be the “safe side” and do as they are asked. Big…